Fuji X100T Image Quality

Image and Video quality

The 16mp X-Trans sensor remains unchanged from that in the X100s and the same one as found in all the recent (not the new 24mp sensor found in the X-PRO2) high end X-series cameras like the XT-1 and XE-2.

The Fuji X100T image quality continues to impress although the competition has now moved on to 20mp+ as the norm so the X-Trans sensor is starting to lag behind a little bit in terms of resolution.

SOOC Jpeg shot at f/2 Click the image for the full resolution file on Flickr


The Fuji X-Trans sensor combined with the f/2 lens on the X100T are giving plenty of detail in images. We found that at f/2 things were a little less sharp with detail increasing up to f/8 before starting to decrease at f/11. Even so, Fuji’s lens modulation optimizer does help to lessen the effects of diffraction at smaller apertures.

SOOC Jpeg, f/4 1/240 ISO 200 Click the image for the full resolution file on Flickr

and 100% crop from the above image

100% crop from the centre of the same image.


SOOC Jpeg, f/4, 1/150, ISO 200, Click the image to see the full resolution file on Flickr

100% Crop

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Fuji X100T Film Simulation Modes

In addition to the usual film simulations we now have Classic Chrome which offers a more subtle muted pallet which quickly turned in to one of our favourites for general photography. Prior to shooting Fuji we have always been in favour of shooting raw and processing the images in post in software such as Lightroom. However Fuji are just about the only cameras that we use where we don’t feel the need to shoot raw. The Jpegs straight out of camera are just so pleasing to the eye that we can spend ages editing a raw image only for us to prefer the SOOC Jpeg anyway. The only time we shoot raw with the X100T is for important shoots where we want the flexibility to edit later if we don’t quite get the results we want from the Jpeg file. You could of course shoot raw and take advantage of the X100T’s in camera raw processing to choose your film simulation etc later but we like to make these creative choices before pressing the shutter.

Below we have a large number of images created using the Fuji X100T . If you want to see the full resolution files along with many more shots then head over to our Flickr page.



Noise performance


We still think that the performance of the X-Trans sensor is more than enough for most needs. Its 16mp sensor results in nicely detailed images and the ISO performance up to 6400 is very good. One thing to note though is that there is some talk of Fuji fudging the numbers a little in this regard and in our testing we reckon they are over estimating the ISO by 2/3 of a stop. That means that for any given ISO number stated by the X100T we should basically compare it to a Canon or Nikon at 2/3 stop lower ISO to get a fair comparison. That means that Fuji’s 6400 ISO is actually closer to 3200.

Even so the noise performance of the Fuji X100T is still decent and usable up to an indicated 6400.

Below is a SOOC Jpeg shot around sunset at ISO 1000. The image is very clean straight out of camera with just the slightest hint of noise in the shadows.

SOOC Jpeg, ISO 1000, f/5.6 1/4000

And below is a 100% crop from the same image

100% Crop

Below is a shot at 3200 ISO. These shots are straight out of camera Jpegs with no post processing done on them. You can tweak the in camera noise reduction to suit your tastes. Obviously the raw files are more noisy.

Here is a 100% crop from the same image.

Files at 3200 are still clean and retain most details. We have no hesitation shooting at ISO 3200 with the X100T.

The following image was shot at ISO 6400 and is as high as we would go if you want a usable image unless it is an emergency. Again, this is a SOOC Jpeg with standard Fuji NR applied. No post processing work was done to the image.

ISO 6400


and the 100% crop from the same image

At ISO 6400 we are seeing a loss of detail due to the in camera noise reduction being applied. Still quite usable for non professional work.



Let’s be honest, if you are serious about video then you should not even be considering a Fuji. The Panasonic GH4, Sony A7 series or the new Canon 80d are where the better video-centric options lie

Even so the Fuji X100T does offer 1080 at up to 60p which gives the ability to shoot in high definition and even shoot some slow motion video too.

One of the main issue when shooting video on the X100T is the lack of image stabilisation. Given that most people will only use it for casual video, the lack of IS is a bit of a problem as it makes getting smooth pans or stable video quite difficult.

The quality of the video itself is not too bad and certainly an improvement over previous models but there are still some artifacts present and the lack of a touch or articulated LCD screen make it difficult to shoot from interesting angles. It also means that if you want to shoot video using the screen you have to hold it out in front of you which is not the most stable position. You could use the viewfinder but it just doesn’t feel right for video. In fairness to the Fuji X100T it doesn’t really set out to be a video camera so most people wont mind the issues as when required they can grab a quick HD video.


The below video was shot at 1080 24p and show some of the artifacts on the petrol tank of the green motorbike that we mentioned previously


The following video, again shot at 1080 24p shows some effects of moire on the headlight of the near scooter.

This last video was shot at 1080 60p.


Be sure to check out conclusion on the next page by clicking the link

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I've been a photographer and gear nut for over 10 years. My images have been in galleries, magazines, national newspapers and on stock sites. I have shot everything from camera phones to 4x5 film and love any tools that make photography easier or more fulfilling.

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