Fuji Acros vs Pen F (Tri X) – Black and white Photography

fuji acros vs pen f tri x

I just took delivery of the Fuji X-T2 and I already have the Olympus Pen F. Seeing as though these two cameras are well known for their black and white output I thought it would be fun to add some comparison shots each day as I test them more and more. So make sure you check back as this page will be added to regularly whenever I shoot black and white images with both cameras.

If you have black and white images from one of these two cameras (or the X-Pro 2) that you would like to share then email me or leave a comment and we can build up a great library of shots to give everyone chance to see which black and white mode produces more pleasing photos.

Here’s the first couple of shots.

Fuji Acros vs Pen F Tri X
Pen F + 17mm f/1.8 , @1.8, 1/320, ISO 200.
Black and white mode 2, no filters.
Fuji acros vs Pen F Tri X
Fuji XT2 + 23mm f/1.4 @ 1.4, 1/350, ISO 200.
Fujifilm Acros, green filter.
Fuji Acros vs Pen F
Fuji XT2 + 23mm f/1.4 @ 2.8, 1./550, ISO 200.
Acros, green filter
Pen F + 17mm f/1.8 @ 1.8, 1/1250, ISO 200. Profile 2 no filters
Pen F + 17mm f/1.8 @ 1.8, 1/1250, ISO 200.
Profile 2 no filters
fuji acros vs pen f tri x
Pen F + 17mm f/1.8 @ 1.8, 1/160, ISO 1600.
B&W Mode 2 , no filters
fuji acros vs pen f tri x
Fuji XT2 + 23mm f/1.4 @ 1.4, 1/124, ISO 640.
Acros, no filters

A couple of quick portraits

fuji across vs penf tri x
Fuji XT2 + 90mm f/2 @ f/2, 1/125, ISO 2500.
Across no filters
fuji across vs olympus pen f tri x
Olympu Pen F + 45mm f/1.8 @ 1.8, 1/160, ISO 800.
Black and white profile 2 no filters.

And a couple more from today

fuji acros vs pen f tri x
Olympus Pen F + 45mm 1.8 @1.8, 1/1250, ISO 200.
Profile 2 no filters
fuji acros vs pen f tri x
Fuji XT2 + 90mm f/2 @f/2, 1/1000, ISO 200.
Acros no filters
fuji acros vs pen f tri x
Pen F + 17mm f/1.8 @ 1.8, 1/125, ISO 640
Profile 2 no filters
pen f tri x vs fuji acros
Pen F + 17mm f/1.8 @ 1.8, 1/200, ISO 200
Profile 2 no filters
Fuji acros vs pen f tri x
Fuji XT2 + 23mm f/1.4 @1.4 , 1/250, ISO 250
Acros + yellow filter

More to come soon……

10 Replies to “Fuji Acros vs Pen F (Tri X) – Black and white Photography”

  1. Just curious as to what settings you used for the Fuji cameras, regarding shadows and highlights etc. I have an X100t and use Mono with green filter, shadows +2, highlights 0, noise reduction -2, sharpening 0 and i get stunning B&W results like the Pen F images in this post. The Fuji ones in this comparison look flat like my old Nikons files. Were they shot with standard settings all at zero?
    Love my X100t for everything apart from capturing my young daughter. I’m really hoping for an autofocus firmware upgrade soon or i may have to purchase a second camera. I like the Pen-F a lot but for the money i think i’d just spend a bit extra and get the X-Pro2 which would probably mean selling the X100t, something I’m not keen on doing.

    1. Hi Dom,

      Indeed these were shot with standard settings although I would often shoot with shadows +2 to increase contrast.

      In flat light the Pen F adds a little more punch to the images whereas I find I like Fuji B&W images just as much if not more when the light is good such as late afternoon.

      Particularly now I’m using the Across film simulation on the XT2 which is beautiful.

      I’m ot sure a firmware update is coming for the X100T that can really improve the AF. I totally understand as I struggled to get shots of my young daughter with the X100T.
      The XT2 is a bit snappier but the Pen F is quicker still.

    2. Having owned the X100F and still having an XT-2 and X-T20 for work I purchased the Pen-F to give it a try. I love my Fujis but the B&W simulations on the Pen-F are (for me) in a different league. I love the softer contrast of the Fuji files but can replicate these fairly well with the Pen-F by playing with the built-in curves adjustments (high-low-mids). For street and portraits however the Pen-F jumps ahead by a huge margin in my opinion, the contrast in the mid-tones gives it the edge and can’t be replicated (in-camera) with the Fujis. Suffice to say I sold my X100F, nice camera but I prefer the Pen-F and the versatility it provides me if I want to go extra-wide or tele.


  2. I have just purchased the Pen F for black and white photography. With so many settings available could you tell me the best settings you have
    discovered for monochrome photography. For many years I used to process my own b&w film, but as I got older I resorted to digital photography which although as it’s large benefit can be a mystery for people my age.
    Regards, Colin

    1. Hi colin,

      I like quite punchy black and whites so I use monochromo profile 2. Im travelling right now so cant remember the exact settings but if you download my free Pen F ebook by signing up to my newsletter the settings are in there.

        1. Hi Sam,

          Apologies for the slow reply. I’ve been incredibly busy lately. The Pen F Ebook is available when you subscribe using the little pop up which appears after you scroll half way down the page. Thanks.

  3. I agree – The B&W Images the Pen F produces with the Monochrome profile 2 settings are impressive, gorgeous!

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