5 Best Landscape Photographers in the World

best landscape photographers in the World

How do you make it on to our list of the 5 best landscape photographers in the World?

Well below I shall go through my picks for the 5 best landscape photographers in the World based on the quality of their work first and foremost. We also take into account how influential they are in the genre and industry. You might not agree with my picks, that’s fine as I’d love to hear who you would place on your list of the 5 best landscape photographers in the World.

I worked solely as a landscape photographer in the UK for a number of years. I sold prints and had my own gallery too. In the end other ventures lead me down a different path but I will always love beautiful landscape photography and appreciate all the great photographers out there who are inspired by natures beauty.

To become a truly great landscape photographer requires passion, skill, dedication and developing your own signature look. That’s why number 1 on this list is none other than ….

Best landscape photographers in the World – Number 1.

Alain Briot

best landscape photographers in the world
Sunflowers Sunset

Alain Briot is a French landscape photographer based in the USA. His work of the Navajo native American reserves and the Canyonlands of Arizona and Utah are simply awe-inspiring.

His images have a signature style and his Fine Art prints are sublime.

Alain started life in Paris but has lived in the Southern USA for 30 years now. His trademark images are of the vast landscapes of the American south-west where he makes his home.

So what makes Alain the best landscape photographer in the World?

One of the aspects of Alain’s work that elevates it above others, beyond his mastery of composition, is his ability to capture the subtle hues and tones of the Arid landscapes that he often photographs. He knows the limits of reality and doesn’t push his images too far in post processing.

However his images are still full of life, colour and detail. Staring at his artwork transports you to the landscapes that he has photographed so passionately for many years.

When creating his portfolio of work of the American Navajo’s, Alain lived among them for years, allowing him to learn about their culture and landscape. This enabled him to understand their values and capture them within his artwork.


best landscape photographers in the World
Antelope Canyon


Alain has a fine portfolio of work, some of his most breathtaking are his intimate captures of Antelope Canyon. Great composition combined with meticulous post processing brings out every twist and turn of the canyon as the rare rays of light bounce off its walls.

Alain, is not only a highly respected landscape photographer but he is also a prolific teacher and author, contributing his years of knowledge and insight to the Luminous Landscape website and authoring many books on how to improve and market Fine Art Photography.

He also runs very popular workshops and tuition which you can see more of here 

You can learn more about Alain on his website . His books are available on Amazon.com here Marketing Fine Art Photography and Amazon UK here Marketing Fine Art Photography

We were lucky enough to speak to Alain and ask him a few questions.

1. What inspired you to take up landscape photography?

“I was inspired by the realization that photography can be used as an artistic medium. I was trained as an artist at the Academie des Beaux Arts in Paris and when I started working with photography I decided to approach photography as art and use it as an art medium.”

2.  What is your most satisfying image or project?

“For me photography is an art and I approach it as such. My goal is to create artistic photographs, not documentary photographs Therefore what is satisfying for me is creating photographs that are expressions of my vision, personality and inspiration instead of photographs that represent the subject factually. Documentation is what comes out of the camera. Art is what comes out of the artist’s soul. I want my photographs to be about what inspires and moves me, not about what my camera captures.”

3. Do you have one top tip for our readers to improve their landscape photography?

“Focus on improving your artistic and technical skills, not just on acquiring new gear. Collect art instead of cameras. The limiting factor is you, not your cameras, computer, software or other gear. Most beginning photographers own cameras, computers, software and gear that are far better than their artistic and technical skills. The limiting factor is their technical and artistic knowledge, not their gear. They don’t need to buy more gear! They need to improve their technical and artistic skills and increase their level of personal commitment to their work.”

4. Where is your favorite location in the World to photograph?

“I love the American Southwest: Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, California and so on. If you have not photographed the American Southwest yet you owe it to yourself to do it now. I teach workshops there and I invite you to join me in photographing these beautiful areas: Monument Valley, the Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon, Death Valley, White Sands, Arches, Canyonlands, and many many more.”

5. What camera do you use?

” I want to start by saying that what matters most for me is the personality of the photographer, his vision, his inspiration and his approach to the subject, not the camera that he uses. Asking ‘what camera do you use?’ is like asking Picasso ‘which brushes do you use?’ or ‘what brand of canvas do you paint on?’. It is reducing art to the level of craft. I know that we cannot take photographs without cameras. But we cannot paint without paintbrushes or carve without chisels or play music without instruments. Tools are important, but what matter most is the artist’s vision not the tools or the supplies he or she uses.

However, as I said, I will answer your question so here it is: I use a Phase One digital back on a Hasselblad Camera, several Canon 1Ds Series cameras and a Fuji X100s. Except for the Fuji which has a fixed lens, I use these cameras with an assortment of lenses ranging from 8mm to 400mm. I don’t think this gear is different from what many other photographers use. What matters is what I do with it.”


Best Landscape Photographers in the World – Number 2.

Alexandre Deschaumes

5 best landscape photographers in the world
At the mountains Of Madness / Clouded in Mystery.

Number two on my list is Alexandre Deschaumes, another French photographer whose work is some of the most evocatively emotional in the World today.

His images exude atmosphere and his use of light and composition create photos that transport you in to his world.

Alexandre’s images often focus on more intimate details within a scene and combine this with incredible light and beautiful colours.  His images of the Autumnal colours in the Forests of his native France are un-rivalled in their majesty. If you like your photography to be atmospheric then Alexandre will be an inspiration to you.

We were lucky enough to speak with Alexandre and learn a little more about what inspires him.

We suggest you take a look at the incredible work on his website .

1. What inspired you to take up landscape photography?

“The romantic feeling of autumn mist, and some kind of inner sadness and frustrations.

2. Which are your favourite images?

Alexandre Chose the two images shown, not surprisingly as they are simply stunning.


best landscape photographers in the world
Ethereal Journey
Click for larger version


3. What one tip would you offer aspiring landscape photographers?

“keep the first sight/spontaneity is very important”

Expanding on this we believe Alexandre is suggesting that what first attracts you to a scene is what you should attempt to capture in your photos.

4. What camera do you use?

Alexandre uses a Canon 5 DSr to capture stunning detail in his images.

A book of Alexandre’s beautiful images is out now and available through his website 

Best landscape photographers in the World – Number 3.

Alex Noriega

5 best landscape photographers in the world
Click for larger version

Alex Noriega is an American photographer whose love of grand American landscapes can be seen in his photography of the Rocky Mountains.

His photos show great talent for breaking a scene down in to simple elements. They are uncluttered, pure in their form and this is all due to his mastery of composition.

Alex spends a lot of time in the field and this shows through his ability to capture beautiful scenes in the most incredible light. His images are breath-taking.

Alex kindly spared a little time to answer a few of our questions.

  1. What inspired you to take up landscape photography?

“Having grown up in the flat and farm-covered Midwest of the US, my first road trip west of the Rockies was eye-opening. I was blown away by the geology laid bare in the desert and the grandeur of the mountains, and felt compelled to dedicate my photography to that, since it moved me.

2. What is your favourite image?

“Either “Volcanic Autumn” or “Hibernation”. One is a more grand image, and one is more intimate, and oddly enough, they’re both from Mount Rainier. What makes them favorites for me are the compositions, and the sense of mystery.

best landscape photographers
Volcanic Autumn Click for larger version
worlds top landscape photographers
Hibernation Click to see larger version

3. Which photographers inspire you (if any)?

“This could be a long list, but off the top of my head: Guy Tal, Floris Van Breugel, Art Wolfe, Sarah Marino, Hans Strand, Marc Adamus, and Alexandre Deschaumes.”

4. Do you have one tip for aspiring landscape photographers?

“Find your own style and artistic voice. Emulating other artists is a great tool for learning, but eventually the only satisfying and meaningful images you create will be those that are uniquely your own.”

5. What camera do you use?

Alex uses a Nikon D610 although he would quite like a D810.

Don’t forget to visit Alex’s website to see more of his beautiful work

Best landscape photographers in the World – Number 4.

Charlie Waite

Charlie Waite is a British landscape photographer who is renowned around the World for his elegant compositions. His images often have a calm and tranquil nature and this is achieved through expert use of composition and subtle tones throughout.

best landscape photographers in the World
Rydal Water, England Click for larger version

The image above of a boathouse on Rydal Water is one of my favourite images of Charlie’s. It reminds me of a classical painting by Constable, the famous English artist. The composition, light and subtle hues are expertly brought together thanks to the photographers technical and artistic ability.

Charlie manages to capture the beauty of the English countryside perfectly and this is why he makes it on to my list as one of the best landscape photographers in the World.

It is little wonder that Charlie Waite has made numerous appearances on TV a well as being the brainchild behind the Landscape Photographer of The Year competition in the UK.

You can see more of Charlie Waite’s work on his website here

Best landscape photographers in the World – Number 5.

Marc Adamus

best landscape photographers in the world

Marc Adamus is a widely published and acclaimed American photographer whose images show fantastic composition along with the use of great light.

He often makes use of foreground elements to draw the viewer in to the scene.

Here’s a snippet from his website

” Marc’s pursuit of landscape images have taken him around the world almost continuously for well over a decade now.  The visual drama and artistry of his photographs are born of a keen eye for the many moods of Nature and a life-long passion for the wilderness. This passion shines throughout Marc’s work and has attracted a wide audience around the world.

Marc’s style is unmistakable. His talent for rare captures of amazing light and fleeting atmosphere imbue his portfolio with a sense of the epic, majestic and the bold. His success derives from patient single-minded pursuit of all the unique moments that generate the magic and energy of the wilderness, often spending weeks or even months immersing himself in the landscape he shoots despite the rigors of season and weather.

Marc’s photographs have been published extensively worldwide in a large variety of media ranging from calendars, books, advertising and the publications of National Geographic, Outdoor Photographer, Popular Photography and over a hundred more.  Marc’s clients have included Fortune-500 companies such as Apple, HP, Toshiba, Blackberry and more, in addition to wilderness focused enterprises such as the Wilderness Society and Sierra Club. 

A full-time professional from 2005 onward, Marc has been frequently mentioned and recognized as an original artist, an innovator and a trendsetter in the modern age of landscape photography.  Marc is regularly noted as one of the most influential landscape professionals in modern history. “


You can see more work on his website here 

All the above photographers are technically excellent. It is their vision that elevates them above the norm and puts them on our 5 best photographers in the World list. . I hope you found their work as inspiring as I do and that you take the time to visit their websites to find out more about them and their photography.

If you want to improve your photography then don’t forget to check out my article on 10 easy ways to improve your photography  or take a look at some of the eBooks that I recommend here 

And don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with all the latest news, reviews tips and more.



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