Fuji XT4 vs X Pro 3
If you are new to Fujifilm or simply looking to upgrade to the latest and greatest that Fuji has to offer you have probably looked for comparisons of the Fuji XT4 vs X Pro 3 but how do you choose between them. What are the main differences and more importantly what are they like to use?
I’m fortunate enough to own both of these top of the range APS-C models from Fujifilm and have used them both extensively. I bought mine from Amazon as I like their returns policy and customer service.
I love them both for very different reasons which I shall go through after explaining the more obvious differences in this Fuji XT4 vs X Pro 3 article. If you want a more detailed review of the Fuji XT4 then click here or watch my Fuji XT4 video review on youtube. You can also see the video version of this Fuji XT4 vs X Pro 3 article here
One thing that I should mention straight off the bat is that if you are a videographer then you can skip the rest of the article and just purchase the Fujifilm X-T4 as it is much more suited to video work due to its larger battery, fully articulating screen and better video specs including 4k 60 and 10 bit internal recording as well as IBIS.
For those of you who are primarily stills shooters then the choice is somewhat more difficult.
The Fuji X-T4 is like a sports saloon car, it can go fast and do virtually everything that a 2 seater convertible can do but with a bit less style and of course you can’t put the roof down on a sunny day (the roof in this case being the X-Pro 3’s hybrid viewfinder).
So let’s start with what the Fuji XT4 and X Pro 3 have in common:
26.1MP X-Trans IV CMOS APS-C sensor
X-Processor 4
weather resistance
maximum continuous shooting speed of 30fps (with crop) or 20fps when using the e-shutter
hybrid autofocus system with contrast and phase detection (max. 425 points)
dual SD card slot (UHS-II compatible)
Both cameras are using the same 26mp X-Trans IV sensor which results in identical image quality. They are both powered by the latest X-Processor 4 and offer the same hybrid AF system and in use they appear to be pretty much equally as fast. Neither are laggy when switching between menus items or indeed switching the camera on. The X-T4 may have a very slight edge in face detect AF due to the latest algorithm being employed but in the real world they are pretty much neck and neck.

Both are weather resistant and I have no issue using either of them in less than perfect weather. The feel in the hand offers very similar build quality but in a different way. The XT4 feels more dense and solid and it should as it weighs 609g vs the X-Pro 3 at 497g.
They are so similar in size that it is not even worth writing down the measurements. However when you pick them up they feel worlds apart.
The XT4 feels very solid, weighty and like a workhorse with its enlarged grip (compared to the XT3). It is a very nice design and I must admit that I do like the look of the camera. However the X-Pro 3 feels different to other cameras due to its range finder esque styling, beautifully machined and subtle finish. I should say that I have the standard black version not one of the Dura coated models.
The X-Pro 3 is probably the most beautiful camera that I have ever owned and that includes models such as the X100T (in silver) and a Silver Pen F, both of which are among the best looking digital cameras ever created. Pictures on the internet don’t do it justice. They really don’t.
In use there is no denying that the XT4 makes more sense for most people. It offers an individual ISO dial rather than the slightly fiddly design on the X-Pro 3 where you have to lift the shutter speed dial and twist it to your desired ISO speed. This also feels like a weak point that may be prone to break in the future but to be fair it hasn’t yet.
The XT4 also continues to use the D-Pad which offers up extra Fn buttons that can be programmed to your liking. I can happily accept cameras from Fuji with or without the D-Pad but if given the choice I would retain it.
That X-Pro 3 LCD Screen
The other main physical difference which may or may not affect you depending on your shooting style is the XT4’s fully articulating LCD screen vs the highly contentious inward facing screen on the X-Pro3. The Screen on the X-Pro 3 faces inward and only opens downward. This Is supposed to encourage you to use the viewfinder and avoid constantly chimping your images giving a pure and authentic photographic experience. Okay, I made that last bit up but I think that is the general idea.
The screen on the X-Pro3 while not conventional is actually not a dealbreaker for me unlike for some. It actually works well in practise and as I use the camera purely for stills, particularly, street, candid portraits and documentary photography it offers the only function I would ever want in those scenarios which is the ability to shoot from the hip on the street in order to be discreet. Plus if I want to review my photos I can easily do so via the EVF.
The rear of the screen has a second display which is permanently on and shows the current film simulation with what looks like the label of old Fujifilm film emulsions. Maybe it’s a bit cheesy but I quite like it. The display can also be changed to show your current shooting setting.
As much as I like the X-Pro 3’s rather novel LCD screen there’s no denying that for most, it is not as useful as the fully articulating one found on the XT4. If I was solely a street shooter or just taking travel/documentary type stills then my opinion would be different but as I shoot a lot of landscapes as well as some video too, the fully articulating screen offers more flexibility. I can reverse it to check framing when creating video and it offers a variety of positions should I be shooting at high or low angles as well as in portrait orientation. It also closes with the LCD screen facing inward which means it is protected and you can ignore it altogether should you wish.
In the end which screen you prefer will depend on what type of photographer you are and how you shoot. I imagine that someone coming from using their mobile phone for photography would find the X-Pro 3’s screen quite limiting. However I very rarely use the LCD screen on any camera to compose my photos so being forced to use the viewfinder simply is not an issue for me.
Prime or Zoom?
I choose whichever one will serve me best for whatever I plan to shoot on that occasion. If I’m heading out for landscapes I grab the XT4 along with the 10-24mm and 55-200mm lenses. If I am going on vacation with the family and just want a camera with me for candid shots of them and anything else encountered then I usually put the X-Pro3 with the 23mm 1.4 or 35mm f/2 in a small bag along with the 56mm 1.2, a spare battery and a powerbank. IMO the X-Pro 3 suits prime lenses and the XT4 works better with the zooms. Both of course can work well with either.
Fuji XT4 vs X Pro 3 EVF/OVF
The EVF on both models is virtually the same although the XT4 offers a little more magnification at 0.75x vs 0.66x and aa much larger viewfinder eye cup which helps to shield the viewfinder when shooting in bright sunlight. . In use the differences are hardly noticeable. Even though I am left eye dominant I am fortunate to be able to use either eye. The range finder style viewfinder on the left of the X-Pro 3 does have some advantages when shooting people as you are not quite so hidden behind the camera. This allows me to feel more connected with my subjects and be more aware of what is happening outside of the field of view of the viewfinder.
The hybrid viewfinder on the X-Pro 3 offers all the benefits of an EVF as well as providing an OVF. Using the lever on the front of the camera you can very quickly change between the two. You can also superimpose a small electronic image onto the OVF which can aid in focusing.
The design is excellent and although I have preferred EVF’s for sometime now the OVF can come in very useful when shooting on the street. For instance, it would allow you to perfectly time someone walking into frame and capture them in exactly the right position in your image due to the lack of any delay.

Of course, the XT4 now has IBIS which can be useful when wanting to keep your ISO as low as possible as it allows you to shoot at shutter speeds not otherwise possible. If you shoot mostly people then the benefits of IBIS are probably not all that important as you will usually be using a faster shutter speed. It does allow for a little bit more creative control by enabling you to add motion to your images, for instance blurring the motion of subjects while retaining perfect sharpness of the surrounding scene.
If you are a travel/ landscape photographer and would rather not bring along your tripod then the IBIS in the XT4 is at its most useful. Allowing you to keep the ISO as low as possible to ensure the best possible image quality. I have found that with the Fuji 10-24mm lens I can consistantly handhold shots at the wide end down to 0.5 seconds. As useful as this is, if I am going out to do landscape photography then my tripod will be coming with me and so the IBIS becomes redundant. It is useful for grabbing quick shots which would otherwise require bumping up the ISO so it does add a level of flexibility that the X-Pro 3 lacks.
Staying Power
The XT4 also uses the larger capacity NP-W235 battery which offers significantly more shots than the NP-W236s used in the X-Pro 3. I get about 900 shots from the former and around 500 from the latter. Both cameras can be charged via USB-C so I usually only carry one spare for each and then recharge from a power bank. So although the new battery in the XT4 is definitely welcome it is perhaps not quite the deal breaker it would have been had neither of the cameras been capable of charging over USB-C.

When out and about shooting street and documentary photography I have noticed that I get a better reaction to the X-Pro 3 than the XT4. The design is minimalistic with no obvious Fuji logo on the front of the X-Pro3 and the classic range finder esque styling seems to be viewed as less threatening. I guess it looks more like an old film camera, a novelty if you will and so people pay it less attention or they enquire in a positive way about what camera it is. Yes you will get asked if it is a film camera quite a lot. Either way the reaction or lack of definitely makes me feel a little more confident and comfortable pointing it at strangers on the street.
Fuji XT4 vs X Pro 3 Conclusion
In the end the choice will come down to what type of photographer you are as much as the specs.
As an owner of both models my opinion is that for pure stills, perhaps with a focus on candid/street/documentary photography the sheer pleasure of owning and using such a unique camera would have me gravitate towards the X-Pro3 even though it is less flexible, less fully featured and actually more expensive than the XT4. For this type of photography I prefer using prime lenses and that is where the X-Pro 3 makes sense and shines. Attach the 23mm, 35mm or 50mm f/2 prime lens on the X-Pro 3 and you have a discreet, lightweight, weather sealed and very capable camera that (without sounding too poncy) epitomises the joy of photography, at least for me. It is a pleasure to use and it doesn’t hurt that it is as beautiful as it is capable.
With all that said, for 90% of photographers the XT4 is probably going to make more sense. It is cheaper, more capable, more comfortable to hold for long periods has better battery life and works better with Fuji’s zoom lenses (especially the red badge lenses) thanks to the larger grip and the option of a battery grip.
Add in the IBIS, fully articulating screen and better video options and it is one of the most well rounded mirrorless cameras available in any format and despite my love of the X-Pro 3, it is the one I would choose if I had to pick only one camera. However it doesn’t make me feel the way that the X-Pro 3 does and there is definitely something to be said for that.
Which one would you choose? I’d love to hear in the comments below.
My latest article on the Sony A7IV can be found here
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I love the look of the X-Pro3 and am pretty sure that I would feel the same way you do if I owned it. It looks like it would be an almost perfect update of the Leica IIIc that I was able to use for a while 50 years ago. However, I’m planning to buy the X-T4.
I already own the X100v, and while it feels smaller than I like a camera to be, it otherwise feels perfect while in use. At least 2/3 of the time the “35mm” field of view is an almost perfect match for the way that I see the world, so the inability to change the lens on my primary camera is not a problem. With that need already addressed, I think that the X-T4 will be a better camera to put a “macro” lens on — which is second most common way for me to see the world.
Hi Doug,
I agree in your shoes I’d probably go for the XT4.
I too am lucky enough to own both of these cameras, and sometimes feel guilty about that and wonder if I can justify it? However, I find myself agreeing with you in every respect when it comes to choice, although I’m not too enthusiastic about the way the LCD screen operates on The X-T4, and love the flip down one on my Dura Silver X-Pro3. Like you, I suppose I would have to settle for the X-T4 if I had to, but it would be a decision I hope that I won’t have to make. Finally I can’t help being disappointed that the X-T4 is made in China, whilst the X-Pro 3 comes from Japan!
I’m lucky enough to also have both cameras, plus the X100V as well, and although I have no plans to sell any of them, I do often agonise about which I would keep if I had to reduce to just one, or perhaps two. I have compared them all, taking each feature and marking out of a score of up to 5 for top marks. This is naturally according to my own preferences, and for me the X-Pro3 marginally beats the X100V, leaving the XT4 a close third. For convenience of use, the first two score best, and that also includes looks! I really like the rear screen on the X-Pro3 and dislike the flimsy feeling flip-out on the XT4. For sheer appearance, useability and convenience, the X100V takes a lot of beating, but the restriction of just one 23mm focal length is the downer. Attach the new weather sealed 27mm lens to the X-Pro 3 and you have what I believe to be the best all round camera of all of them, with the ability to add any other lenses over time. However, the cost difference is considerable, which simply endorses my belief that owning the perfect all round camera is never going to b cheap. I do agree that the XT4 is the most capable option, but only if IBIS and video are your priorities, because it really is a bigger, less portable camera for every day use
I’m in the exact same boat and have been looking for a comment like yours!
I have all three, and regularly wonder if it’s justifyable. When I’m working, XT4 usually is the one I take, with the x100v as backup (it makes for fun cute candid pics). When I travel, only the x100v comes with, but if I plan on doing a photoshoot while traveling, I take the xpro3 because it is a beautiful camera and gets much happier reactions. And when I’m shooting for fun, usually the xpro3 takes the pick
Sadly if I had to lose one, it would be the xpro3 as it’s more a cherry on top camera for me, than a work camera. It is by far the most beautiful camera created by fuji, the x100 being a near second 🙂
I agree with teh X-Pro 3 being beautiful. If working on a professional shoot then the XT4 would probably just beat it for me but for personal work I prefer the X-Pro 3.
I am lucky enough to own both technically but my new xpro3 is due for delivery tomorrow. I had my 100v stolen and I’ve been paid out by insurance but could not source a direct replacement anywhere so opted for the Pro3 and also bought the new WR 27mm lens. I reckon that combo will replace my 100v pretty well.
I also have an x-H1 with grip which I love, it just feels so solid and tough!
I really don’t need 3 cameras and am thinking about trading the x-T4 for the 80mm macro lens. My thinking is that the Xpro3 will do almost everything the T4 does and I will primarily use it with primes. My H1 will be used for the larger zoom lenses such as the 16-55 and 50-140.
I do feel that I am very lucky to own these 3 cameras but really don’t need them all. Any thoughts on my dilemma would be welcome.
I’d wait until you have your X-Pro 3 in your hand and then give it a few weeks of testing. If it does everythign that the XT4 does for you and you prefer it then as you say, there is probably no need to have both. Personally if I’m not working on a professional job then I’d choose the X-Pro 3 over the XT4 as I prefer the shooting experience.
Thank you for that. Probs Ali a good idea. My xpro3 has arrived at home so look forward to unboxing it tonight.
Thanks for the comparison. I have the X100V and have been looking for a basic X model to supplement it and take my wide angle XF14mm lens. To my dismay I’ve discovered that XT30 11, XS10 and XE4 have had their image quality custom settings arranged to accomodate (and insist on using) camera function settings. So neither of these is compatible with the X100V as far as setting custom jpeg preferences (only) banks. So now it’s down to the two cameras you have compared here. I have a black XPro3 on order but there’s no telling when and even if it will arrive. By default it looks like I should cancel that and get the XT4, but should I wait for next month’s XT5 in that case? Boy oh boy, what are Fujifilm doing?
Hi Bill,
So what do you think about the XT5? or did you get your X-Pro 3? I’ve pre ordered the XT5. Should be arriving in the next couple of weeks.
Yes, tell us your opinion between the Xpro3 and the brand new XT5. I am very hésitant !
Hi Arnaud,
That comparison will be coming soon as I have the XT5 due here in the next week or two.
Thanks for for the detailed comparison.
I’m new to Fuji and got very lost at first coming from DSLR and Nikon.
Loved the compact size of the X-T20 when I first stepped in Fuji’s world and almost reconciled with EVF when I tried it.
Now, comes the big step of changing system.
The X100V would be my go-to for everyday pictures but I’m afraid of 35mm only lens limitation.
I’ve watched and read dozens of videos, reviews, articles and still questioning myself about these two very cameras you compared.
It seems to me that the X-Pro3 is the one which makes a bridge between the X100V photography experience and the X-T4 abilities and versatility.
Would anyone who owned, tested all of them share his experience?
Hi Marcus,
Thanks for your comment. I’ve owned all of the cameras mentioned. It really comes down to the fixed lens of the X100V vs ability to change lenses on the X-Pro 3. The X100V is slightly smaller, also has the built in ND filter and leaf shutter which means that you can use fill flash in bright light and still keep the aperture open. However none of that matters if you don’t want to be stuck with only the 35mm field of view. If it helps, I had a previous X100 as my only camera for two years and never felt limited by it but then I like the 35mm field of view.
Even if the report is a bit older. But it reflects exactly what my current setup now contains. After the X100V, I bought the X-Pro3 in Dura Silver. A design icon and the most beautiful camera I have ever owned. Since I shoot both street with light equipment (Billingham bag for Leica) and XF23 f/2 and XF35 f/2, the display of the X-Pro3 unfortunately limits me when taking photos in nature from a tripod. You can still live with the So I also bought the X-T4 and the swivel display plus the powerful battery is ideal for landscape photography. So if you have the money, buy both.
It’s a great setup. I’m still waiting for an X-Pro 4 as I love that line of cameras. I now have an XT5 which is fantastic along with a GFX 100S. X100VI is pre ordered but not sure when I will get that.
Agreed, buy both although I can always justify a new Fuji purchase 😀